Video of the launch of the iPhone 12 as it launches in Australia and New Zealand
It appeared on the Internet. Open video In addition to close-ups of the exterior, there are also videos showing how the iPhone 12 is shelled and made inside.
The video chosen for this presentation is a shell video that highlights the battery life of both the iPhone 12 and 12 Pro. The video is from China and has been translated and subtitled by YouTube.
Both the iPhone 12 iPhone and iPhone 12 Pro have similar L-shaped logic boards.
The iPhone 12 Pro has an extra LiDAR connector for the LiDAR Scanner.
The battery used on both phones is the same, meaning there is no difference in battery capacity. The iPhone 12 and PiPhone 12 Pro use the same 2,815mAh battery. So how long it takes to fully charge will be the same.