Eric spent most of his student life in his hometown. From there, he attended Shandong University of Science and Technology and graduated with a degree in Applied Mathematics. He went on to earn a MASTER degree from the Chinese University of Metallurgy and Technology. Eric has been a hard worker since he was a student. He is very interested in technology. He also enjoys learning computer programming languages. When he was in fifth grade, he collected extra money from the construction site and turned it into barrels to earn extra money.

During Eric’s first year of college in 1987, while traveling by train for 10 hours to meet his girlfriend, Zoom began to think that if he could develop a videotelephony software that would make it easier for him to meet his girlfriend, we would like to thank his girlfriend for the Zoom application. For Eric, who can get something if he wants something, the reason why he is known to the world is because he started with his girlfriend.

After graduating with a master’s degree, Eric attended a training program in Japan for four months. While working in Japan, in 1995 a quote from Bill Gates sparked his interest in settling in the United States. So in 1997, I moved to Silicon Valley, then the United States, where computer technology developed. It was a challenge for Eric, who spoke little English. Visa applications to the United States have been rejected eight times.

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