That’s why the bubble is spreading this way and that way. If you hit a standing ball, it will move in the same direction with momentum. The reason why the car does not move when it hits the pole is because of the mass of both the car and the pole. But as a result of the rush, the valley is ruined. Here, instead of the whole car, there are molecules on the front of the car. You should visualize the molecules on one side of the pole. Collisions can also produce energy stability in collisions. There are two types of collisions. Elastic and inelastic.
It is known that the total energy (kinetic energy) is the same when objects collide with each other. It is obvious that the novels are fully resilient. In non-renewable matter, it is transformed into another energy. For example, throw a stone. It rang loudly. It turns into sound energy. When it falls, it vibrates the air molecules and creates waves to carry energy. It is heard as a sound when it reaches the ear. It can be called sound energy.